

List of currently non-peer-reviewed pre-prints

  1. TVB C++: A Fast and Flexible Back-End for The Virtual Brain.
    I. Martín, G. Zamora-López, J. Fousek, M. Schirner, P. Ritter, V. Jirsa, G. Deco and G. Patow. arXiv 2405.18788 (2024).
  2. Emergence and long-term maintenance of modularity in spiking neural networks with plasticity.
    R. Bergoin, A. Torcini, G. Deco, M. Quoy and G. Zamora-López. arXiv 2405.18587 (2024).
  3. Identification and neuromodulation of brain states to promote recovery of consciousness.
    G. van der Lande, A. Manasanch, D. Casas-Torremocha, L. Dalla Porta, … G. Zamora-López and J. Annen. zenodo 8377867 (2023).
  4. Advancing the science of consciousness: from ethics to clinical care.
    M. Farisco, K. Evers, J. Annen, … J. Goldman and G. Zamora-López. PsyArXiv (2023).
  5. The global communication architecture of the human brain transcends the subcortical – cortical – cerebellar subdivisions.
    J. Schulte, M. Senden, G. Deco, X. Kobeleva and G. Zamora-López. bioRxiv (2023).

Peer-reviewed articles

  1. An integrative dynamical perspective for graph theory and the study of complex networks.
    G. Zamora-López and M. Gilson. Chaos 34, 041501 (2024).
  2. Integration and segregation in the brain as a cognitive flexibility during tasks and rest.
    K. Capouskova, G. Zamora-López, M. Kringelbach and G. Deco. Hum. Brain Mapp. 44, 6349-6363 (2023).
  3. Whole-brain analyses indicate the impairment of posterior integration and thalamo-frontotemporal broadcasting in disorders of consciousness.
    R. Panda, A. López-González, M. Gilson, O. Gosseries, A. Thibaut, G. Frasso, B. Cecconi, A. Escrichs, G. Deco, S. Laureys, G. Zamora-López and J. Annen. Hum. Brain Mapp. 44, 4352-4371 (2023).
  4. Inhibitory neurons control the consolidation of neural assemblies via adaptation to selective stimuli.
    R. Bergoin, A. Torcini, G. Deco, M. Quoy and G. Zamora-López. Sci. Reps.  13:6949 (2023).
  5. The impact of regional heterogeneity in whole-brain dynamics in the presence of oscillations
    Y. Sanz Perl, G. Zamora-López, E. Montbrió, M. Monge-Asensio, J. Vohryzek, S. Fittipaldi, C. González Campo, S. Moguilner, A. Ibañez, E. Tagliazucchi, B.T. Thomas Yeo, M.L. Kringelbach and G. Deco. Network Neurosci. (2023).
  6. Loss of consciousness reduces the stability of brain hubs and the heterogeneity of brain dynamics.
    A. López-González, R. Panda, A. Ponce-Alvarez, G. Zamora-López, A. Escrichs, C. Martial, A. Thibaut, O. Gosseries, M.L. Kringelbach, J. Annen, S. Laureys and G. Deco. Commun. Biol. 4:1037 (2021).
  7. Signature of consciousness in brain-wide synchronization patterns of monkey and human fMRI signals.
    G. Hahn, G. Zamora-López, L. Uhrig, E. Tagliazucchi, H. Laufs, D. Mantini, M.L. Kringelbach, B. Jarraya and G. Deco. NeuroImage 226, 117470 (2020).
  8. Modulation of cortical slow oscillations and complexity across anesthesia levels.
    M. Dasilva, A. Camassa, A. Navarro-Guzmán, A. Pazienti, L. Pérez-Méndez, G. Zamora-López, M. Mattia, and M.V. Sanchez-Vives. NeuroImage 224, 117415 (2020).
  9. Model-based whole-brain effective connectivity to study distributed cognition in health and disease.
    M. Gilson, G. Zamora-López, V. Pallarés, M.H. Adhikari, M. Senden, A. Tauste Campo, D. Mantini, M. Corbetta, G. Deco and A. Insabato. Network Neurosci. 4(2), 338-373 (2020).
  10. Sizing complex networks.
    G. Zamora-López and Romain Brasselet. Comms. Phys. 2, 144 (2019).
  11. Network analysis of whole-brain fMRI dynamics: A new framework based on dynamic communicability.
    M. Gilson, N. Kouvaris, G. Deco, J.-F. Mangin, C. Poupon, S. Lefranc, D. Rivière and G. Zamora-LópezNeuroImage 201, 116007 (2019).
  12. Traces of statistical learning in the brain’s functional connectivity after artificial language exposure.
    P. Sengupta, M. Burgaleta, G. Zamora-López, A. Basora, A. Sanjuán, G. Deco, N. Sebastián-Galles. Neurophysiologia 124, 246-253 (2019).
  13. Framework based on communicability and flow to analyze network dynamics.
    M. Gilson, N. Kouvaris, G. Deco and G. Zamora-LópezPhys. Rev. E 97, 052301 (2018).
  14. How structure sculpts function: unveiling the contribution of anatomical connectivity to the brain’s spontaneous correlation structure
    R.G. Bettinardi, G. Deco, V.M. Karlaftis, T.J. Van Hartevelt, H.M. Fernandes, Z. Kourtzi, M. Kringelbach and G. Zamora-LópezChaos 27, 047409 (2017).
    This paper is part of the Focus Issue: On the relation of dynamics and structure in brain networks.
  15. Functional complexity emerging from anatomical constraints in the brain: the significance of network modularity and rich-clubs.
    G. Zamora-López, Y. Chen, G. Deco, M.L. Kringelbach and C.S. Zhou. Sci. Reps. 6:38424 (2016).
  16. Chimera-like States in Modular Neural Networks.
    J. Hizanidis, N.E. Kouvaris, G. Zamora-López, A. Díaz-Guilera and C.G. Antanopoulos. Sci. Reps. 6:19845 (2016).
  17. Individual node’s contribution to the mesoscale of complex networks.
    F. Klimm, J. Borge-Holthoeffer, N. Wessel, J. Kurths and G. Zamora-LópezNew J. Physics 16:125006 (2014).
  18. Transcriptomic Profile Reveals Gender-Specific Molecular Mechanisms Driving Multiple Sclerosis Progression.
    H. Irizar, M. Muñoz, L. Sepúlveda, M. Sáenz-Cuesta, A. Prada, T. Castillo-Triviño, G. Zamora-López, A. López de Munain, J. Olascoaga and D. Otaegui. PLoS ONE 9(2):e90482 (2014).
  19. Order Patterns Networks (ORPAN) – a method to estimate time-evolving functional connectivity from multivariate time series.
    S. Schinkel, G. Zamora-López, O. Dimingen, W. Sommer and J. Kurths. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 6:91 (2012).
  20. Phase synchronization of bursting neurons in clustered small-world networks.
    C.A.S. Batista, E.L. Lameu, A.M. Batista, S.R. Lopes, T. Pereira, G. Zamora-López, J. Kurths and R. L. Viana. Phys. Rev. E 86, 016211 (2012).
  21. Characterising the complexity of brain and mind networks.
    G. Zamora-López, E. Russo, P.M. Gleiser, C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 3747 (2011).
  22. Exploring brain function from anatomical connectivity.
    G. Zamora-López, C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths. Front. Neurosci. 5, 83 (2011).
  23. Functional network analysis reveals differences in the semantic priming task.
    S. Schinkel, G. Zamora-López, O. Dimingen, W. Sommer and J. Kurths. J. Neurosci. Meth. 197, 333-339 (2011).
  24. From modular to centralized organization of synchronization in functional areas of the cat cerebral cortex.
    J. Gómez-Gardeñes, G. Zamora-López, Y. Moreno and A. Arenas. PLoS ONE 5(8), e12313 (2010).
  25. Optimal map of the modular structure of complex networks.
    A. Arenas, J. Borge-Holthöfer, S. Gómez and G. Zamora-LópezNew J. Phys. 12, 053009 (2010).
  26. Simulation of large-scale cortical networks by use of individual neuron dynamics.
    G. Schmidt, G. Zamora-López and J. Kurths. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 20, 859-867 (2010). PDF
  27. Cortical hubs form a module for multisensory integration on top of the hierarchy of cortical networks.
    G. Zamora-López, C.S. Zhou, J. Kurths. Front. Neuroinform. 4:1 (2010).
    This paper is part of the Focus Issue “Hierarchy and Dynamics in neural networks“.
  28. Graph analysis of cortical networks reveals complex anatomical communication substrate.
    G. Zamora-López, C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths. CHAOS 19, 015117 (2009).
    This paper is part of the Focus Issue “Nonlinear dynamics in cognitive and neural systems“.
  29. The generation of random directed networks with prescribed 1-node and 2-node degree correlations.
    G. Zamora-López, C.S. Zhou, V. Zlatic and J. Kurths. J. Phys. A 41 224006 (2008).
    This paper is part of the Special Issue “Complex Networks: from biology to information technology“.
  30. Complex brain networks: From topological communities to clustered dynamics.
    L. Zemanová, G. Zamora-López, C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths. Pramana – J. Phys. 70(6), 1087 – 1097 (2008).
  31. Reciprocity of networks with degree correlations and arbitrary degree distribution.
    G. Zamora-López, V. Zlatic, C.S. Zhou, H. Štefancic and J. Kurths. Phys.Rev. E 77, 016106 (2008).
  32. Structure-Function Relationship in Complex Brain Networks Expressed by Hierarchical Synchronization.
    C.S. Zhou, L. Zemanová, G. Zamora-López, C.C. Hilgetag and J. Kurths, New J. Phys9 178 (2007).
    This paper is part of the Special Issue Focus on Networked Systems: Theory and Applications.
  33. Hierarchical organization unveiled by functional connectivity in complex brain networks.
    C.S. Zhou, L. Zemanová, G. Zamora, C.C. Hilgetag and J. Kurths, Phys. Rev. Lett97, 238103 (2006).

Other publications

Book Chapters, Thesis, etc.
  • Linking Structure and Function of Complex Cortical Networks.
    G. Zamora-López. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Potsdam, Germany (2009).
  • Structural Characterisation of Networks.
    G. Zamora-López, C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths. In “Lectures in Supercomputational Neuroscience: Dynamics in Complex Brain Networks.” Edited by P. beim Graben, C.S. Zhou, M. Thiel and J. Kurths. Springer, Berlin (2008).
    Series: Understanding Complex Systems. ISBN: 978-3-540-73158-0.
  • Parallel computation of large neuronal networks with structured connectivity.
    Several authors. In “Lectures in Supercomputational Neuroscience: Dynamics in Complex Brain Networks.” Edited by P. beim Graben, C.S. Zhou, M. Thiel and J. Kurths. Springer, Berlin (2008).
    Series: Understanding Complex Systems. ISBN: 978-3-540-73158-0.
  • Global Properties of Networks
    R. Steuer and G. Zamora-López. In “Analysis of Biological Networks.” Edited by B. H. Junker and F. Schreiber, Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA (2008).
    Wiley series on Bioniformatics, Computational Techniques and Engineering. ISBN: 978-0-470-04144-4.
Selected conference posters